Journal - Poetry

Easter Shade

Our children run to find their eggs with hungry hands and hopping legs while half a world away they starve upon the carcass missiles carve. What conquered death and rose again? A gentle victory over sin? Or slavish naves and gilded grails and empire’s crosses, hammers, nails?

Journal - Poetry

Exceeds Expectations

I am coming to understand your expectations. You expect me, finally, to be something other than idea, something not imaginary. You expect me to be a particular fleshy body. You expect me to affirm the demographics of my concrete data. You expect me to be a flow in a network of biology. You expect me to be a node in a graph of history. You expect me to be an ego received from the form of the the mask you have hung on my face. You expect me to have a seat at the game table, to choose a side, […]

Journal - Poetry


I look up from the square display, frustrated with the problem of tangled information, its lossiness. Outside: weathered stone, eye-shaped leaves green, sun-drunk, serpent tongues, genital nerves, rhizomes, tendrils, fractal worlds. I rub my eyes, return; tap tap tapping monospace code, the one thing on earth I get paid for.