
Leaves of gold and red make the announcement.
We’ve been sleeping, trusting life’s green driver.
Now we see: soil’s rich and grave appeal
draws us down and grants eternal access
to the vast decay. Death’s governor
teaches us how saprophytes conceive.

In the cemetery some conceive
judgement trumpets blaring the announcement.
Miracle is not the governor
of the resurrection. Nature’s driver
goes here daily. Death always has access
to continued life. That’s rot’s appeal.

There is no conviction to appeal,
no argument of defense to conceive,
nor for the conjugal some special access.
Let the forest jury make announcement
of the verdict to the solar driver:
Beautiful! not guilty, governor.

Keep your pardons, blood-let governor.
Those who love the world make no appeal
to hell or heaven, nor need sin as driver
of redemption’s vehicle. Conceive
a better gospel, and bring that announcement
to our children, for the soul’s pure access

to the world, as birds have natural access
to the sky. A lovely governor
the river is, in her wide-mouthed announcement
to the ocean of the stream’s appeal
where the struggling salmon will conceive
and die like Dowland’s verse, death’s riffling driver.

Death, we witness you, exquisite driver
of life’s endless worth, dark gate of access
to the myriad forms dreams can conceive
because they have some boundary. Governor
of life’s horizon, dread that births appeal
of mortal moments, love is your announcement.

Driver of self’s chariot, governor
of dark’s access and of light’s appeal
conceive the echo of your last announcement.

This sestina was composed using the six randomly-generated teleutons: announcement, driver, appeal, access, governor, conceive. Random word source: