In the country of unfinished dreams
there’s one that still skips like a wreck
there’s one that still skips like a record
you left in the sun.
In the country of unfinished dreams
there’s one that still skips
like a little girl playing
in the summer Saturday sun.
In the country of unfinished dreams
there’s one that still skips
like a rock on the river
there’s one that still skips
like a stone on still water
and it sinks down into
the mouth of a monster
and you wake up in terror
and you wake up and wonder
well maybe the monster’s your neighbor
and maybe the monster’s your leader
and maybe the monster is you…
In the country of unfinished dreams
there’s one that never got started,
there’s one you still need to make room for.
Is the heart
big enough
for one more?