
Towards Artificial Wisdom

What would Artificial Wisdom look like? We have myriad technologies which are grouped under the umbrella term Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Generative Computing, etc. — these are systems which both quantitatively and qualitatively differ from the computation-focused and command-driven processing of earlier computing systems. And they are considered A.I. because they delve into kinds of information processing traditionally recognized in human intelligence, such as natural language exchange, associative memory from vast experience, learning, and creating. Along with the acceleration of A.I. we hear alarms about its mis-use and even about a possible A.I. apocalypse, where the automatons and […]

Essay - Journal


I sometimes say that my religion is art, but this may do an injustice to art. Because I believe that art emerges first, before religion, in the conscious cosmos. When a being finds oneself alone with an inner life, with imagination, with the waking residue of dreams, with speculation, with euphoria, as well as with traumas, anxieties, awareness of death and of mysteries, what is the attempt to share this initially inexpressible awareness somehow with another, if not art? It is not simply communication in the mundane sense, not an attempt to coordinate or negotiate, but an attempt to commune: […]