
Original songwriting, chamber music, vocal music and opera.

Cult of Orpheus

An independent music publishing and production company, Cult of Orpheus carries the vocal music, chamber music and opera compositions by C. A. Corbell.

The company has published two full-length recordings of Corbell’s music, both available on Bandcamp: Sacred Works I: The Emerald Tablet and Viva’s Holiday: An Opera in One Act.

Raven Fables

The musical spells of Raven Fables are rooted in forest and folklore, haunted by ghost stories and mystic rituals, spinning exquisite dark ballads which entangle lyrical impulses and neo-classical harmonies like vine-shrouded ruins.

Recordings forthcoming in 2025.


More have been set free than captured, but here are a few:

Field (single)

Star Like a Swallow (EP)


Poems, essays, and more underway.

C. A. Corbell writes song lyrics, poetry, essays, and is currently working on larger projects. The Dayword blog offers reflections of poetic devotion and cultural attention.


Software creations, generative art, and mathematical investigations.

Full-time endeavor: Vectorworks, 3-D design software for architecture, entertainment, and industrial desgin. Contributions range from Mac OS UI implementation to build-and-release infrastructure.

Mathematical art software: MathPaint, a solo project written in the Swift programming language, for Mac OS. “What beauty will you generate?”

Graph theory: Graphoire is an open-source python project for graph theory explorations and algorithms.